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    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <emnenavnfork>Terrestrisk ark.biol</emnenavnfork>
        <emnenavn_bokmal>Terrestrisk arktisk biologi</emnenavn_bokmal>
        <emnenavn_nynorsk>Terrestrisk arktisk biologi</emnenavn_nynorsk>
        <emnenavn_engelsk>Terrestrial Arctic Biology</emnenavn_engelsk>
    To introduce the structure and function of Arctic terrestrial and fresh water biological communities by focusing on the diversity of adaptations among organisms within a community and their interactions, both within and between trophic levels. The course will give a thorough background for understanding environmental problems in terrestrial and limnic environments. 
    The course offers an introduction to terrestrial and fresh water biological communities of the Arctic. This will be approached by considering adaptations of organisms to Arctic terrestrial habitats and how the organism interact, both within and between tropic levels, with a special emphasis on Svalbard. The role of the physical conditions of the Arctic (the polar light, short growing season, strong wind, nutrient and moisture limitations) as well as the biological interactions in shaping Arctic communities will be explored in comparison with communities of other terrestrial and limnic regions, especially those of temperate alpine tundras and Antarctic tundras. The structure of plant communities and the representation of different plant growth forms (or functional types) will be studied in relation to climate, geomorphology, soil microflora and herbivory. For invertebrates, the emphasis will be on the ecology of those groups that are of greatest significance on Svalbard, i.e. soil and fresh water fauna. Among the vertebrates the ecology of terrestrial birds and mammals and freshwater fish will be discussed. The link between terrestrial and marine ecosystems through seabirds and sea-mammals will be discussed (i.e. nesting cliffs and their flora and fauna), but these aspects, will be dealt with in more detail in AB-202 Marine Arctic Biology.
        <emnenavnfork>Marin arktisk biol.</emnenavnfork>
        <emnenavn_bokmal>Marin arktisk biologi</emnenavn_bokmal>
        <emnenavn_nynorsk>Marin arktisk biologi</emnenavn_nynorsk>
        <emnenavn_engelsk>Marine Arctic Biology</emnenavn_engelsk>
    To provide an introduction to marine Arctic plants and animals, and their adaptations to the environment, and to convey an understanding of how marine ecosystems are built up and how they function, as a background for better conservation policies for these systems. 
    The course offers an introduction to the most important Arctic marine organisms, from plankton to whales, and their adaptations and physiological responses to the environment with regard to physical and chemical factors. Micro-organisms, plankton, invertebrates and fishes will be described as a background to understand plant and animal associations in pack-ice, ice-free water masses and the on the bottom of Arctic seas and fjords. The treatment of subjects such as seabirds and sea-mammals includes their distribution and migration patterns, life- histories and physiological adaptations. Energy budgets will be highlighted. Emphasis will also be put on the complexity of Arctic marine ecosystems from primary producers to top predators, the biomass and productivity at different trophic levels, and how the system functions. Food chains and energy transport paths will be discussed. The conditions in the Arctic will be compared to equivalent conditions in the Antarctic. Elementary physical oceanography will be included in the lectures. The excursions include pelagic and benthic localities. Sampling techniques and analytical methods for environmental variables will be presented. The role of key species in special ecosystems, e.g. the ice-edge, under-ice and bottom biotopes will be demonstrated. Students will take part in projects to be presented at the end of the course.