sebra.apex – persons and places exposed as VEIW from SEBRA to APEX-database

The Sebra APEX system provide access through view into the SEBRA-database to information about persons and organisation units associated with the University of Bergen.

Persons are identified by their user account ids (Unix user names). Organisational units are identified by their 6 digit place code.

apex_f_lonnsdag – start-date and birth-date for employees

database view
brukernavn varchar2 Unix user name
f_lonnsdag date Employed by UiB from
fodt date Birth date
ansattnr number ID

apex_personer – look up information about an employee

database view
fornavn varchar2 Given name
etternavn varchar2 Family name
brukernavn varchar2 Unix user name
epost varchar2 E-mail address
stilling varchar2 Position title (Norwegian)
stedkode number Place code (6-digits)
jobbrang number ...
tj_forh varchar2 ...

apex_sted – look up information about a place

database view
stedkode number16 Place code (6-digits)
navn varchar2 Place name (Norwegian)
status varchar2 ...

apex_studenter – look up information about a student

database view
fornavn varchar2 Given name
etternavn varchar2 Family name
brukernavn varchar2 Unix user name
epost varchar2 E-mail address
sted varchar2 Place code (6-digits)