fs.fspres – Presentations of study information from FS

render – obtain rendering of the text describing a study

GET /{lang}/{studytype}/{id}/render.json
lang string Language; either 'en' or 'nn'
studytype string What kind of study; either 'emne', 'studieprogram' or 'utvekslingsavtale'
id string The code identifying the study; like 'INF101'
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Language: nn
  { "#title": "heading level 1",
    "#group": "xx-xxxx",
    "#items": [
      { "#title": "heading level 2",
        "#text": "<p>yadayada...</p>",
	"#type": "XX_XXX",
	'#variants": {
	  "yyyyS": null,
GET /{lang}/studieprogram/{id}/{spec-id}/render.json
lang string Language; either 'en' or 'nn'
id string The code identifying the study; like 'INF101'
spec-id string The code identifying the study specialisation