ew – Eksternwebben (www.uib.no)

msg – list most recent messages

GET http://www.uib.no/api/msg?...
language string = nb Language; either 'en' or 'nb'
msgid int Number
area int The area id
user string The UiB username
limit int = 10 How many messages to return
offset int Start listing messages at the given offset
tag string A tag name in English or Norwegian
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
  "msg": [
      "id": 9999,
      "text": "...",
      "link": "http://...",
      "tag": "Generelt",
      "area": "...",
      "area_link": "http://...",
      "posted": "2017-01-01T12:00:00",
      "posted_time": 1499999999,

This endpoint returns selected messages ordered by most recent first. You need to provide either msgid, area or user parameter for messages to be selected.

Example: http://www.uib.no/api/msg?area=1 which will return the most recent messages posted to the Employee pages.